Supporting State Efforts to Identify Strategies for Braiding of Federal Funds to Support Local Improvement Efforts

The R4CC team supported the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) in developing a guide to help districts “braid” ESSER funding with existing federal program funds such as Titles I, II, and IV. This will help districts make more effective funding decisions regarding supports and interventions for student learning that last beyond the time allowable for ESSER spending.

Updating the New Jersey Department of Education Teacher Certification Website

The R4CC team collaborated with NJDOE staff to develop an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the current teacher certification website and develop a plan for a comprehensive revision to the site. R4CC staff interviewed NJDOE staff; reviewed information provided by NJDOE; and identified new site users, such as new teachers and individuals looking to add certifications, to interview in depth about their experiences using the site. Finally, R4CC staff looked at other states’ certification websites to identify models for possible revisions. By compiling this array of user data and feedback, as well as exemplars from other states across the U.S., R4CC staff was able to help NJDOE staff create a detailed action plan for site revisions.

Increasing Access to High School Completion: Strengthening the High School Graduation Portfolio Appeal Process

New Jersey allows students to substitute an assessment portfolio in lieu of passing graduation standardized test scores. The R4CC team collaborated with NJDOE staff to identify current users of the portfolio, align portfolio requirements with state standards, streamline the process for students and schools, and identify ways that the New Jersey Department of Education can better publicize the process as an option for special student populations.

Developing a Stronger Pipeline of Bilingual Educators in New Jersey

Support from the R4CC team helped New Jersey in its efforts to expand the preparation pipeline for certified bilingual teachers, which include developing of “grow-your-own” programs, helping to forge partnerships between preparation programs and districts, and utilizing federal funding streams. The R4CC team reviewed evidence-based recruitment and preparation initiatives in other states, identified funding streams to support these programs, and explored promising models within New Jersey.

Reviewing the Student Assessment System: Transitioning from PARCC

The R4CC team assist the NJDOE in its efforts to develop a high-quality, cost-effective assessment system after having left the Partnership for Assessment Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) consortium. The team gathered information on successes and challenges in other states that have recently left assessment consortia, developed a diagnostic assessment selection tool to help districts quickly identify assessment options for measuring learning loss, and designed a statewide survey for districts to indicate their assessment needs for the 2020-21 school year.